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Standard signals reference

Standard signals reference

This reference provides an overview of the standard signals that can be tracked using the Sygnal Pixel’s rrq('track') function. These signals help you monitor various user interactions on your website, allowing you to gather detailed information through specific properties associated with each event.

#Standard Events

The Sygnal Pixel's rrq('track') function can be used to track various standard signals. These signals support parameter objects with specific properties, enabling you to include detailed information about each signal.

Event NameDescriptionObject properties
PurchaseTriggered when a purchase is completed or checkout is finalized.Required: currency and value and order_id. Optional: content_category, content_name, currency, value
AddPaymentInfoOccurs when payment details are added during the checkout process.content_category, content_ids, contents, currency, value
(all optional)
InitiateCheckoutHappens when someone starts the checkout process but hasn’t completed it yet.content_category, content_ids, contents, currency, value
(all optional)
AddToCartWhen an item is added to the shopping cart.content_ids, content_name, content_type, contents, currency, value
(all optional)
AddToWishlistWhen an item is added to a wishlist.content_name, content_category, content_ids, contents, currency, value (all optional)
LeadTriggered when a sign-up is completed.content_category, content_name, currency, value (all optional)
ContactWhen someone initiates contact with the business via phone, SMS, email, chat, etc.(all optional)
ViewContentA visit to a significant web page (e.g., a product page or landing page).content_ids, content_category, content_name, content_type, contents, currency, value (all optional)
CustomizeProductWhen a product customization occurs.(all optional)
CompleteRegistrationTriggered when a registration form is filled out.content_name, currency, status, value (all optional)
DonateWhen a donation is made to an organization or cause.(all optional)
ScheduleWhen an appointment is booked to visit a location.(all optional)
SubscribeWhen a paid subscription is initiated for a product or service.currency, predicted_ltv, value (all optional)
SearchWhen a search action is performed.content_category, content_ids, content_type, contents, currency, search_string, value (all optional)

#Object Properties

The following predefined properties can be included with any custom or standard signals that support them. Use JSON to format your parameter object data. For more details about signal parameters, refer to Blueprint.

Property KeyValue TypeParameter Description
order_idStringSpecial order ID that must be sent with the Purchase signal. This is used to reliably track the number of conversions and deduplicated them order and a server.
content_categoryStringThe category associated with the page or product.
content_idsArray of integers/stringsIDs of products linked to the signal, such as SKUs (e.g., ['ABC123', 'XYZ789']).
content_nameStringThe name of the page or product.
content_typeStringEither "product" or "product_group" based on the IDs provided in content_ids or contents. Use "product" for product IDs and "product_group" for group IDs. If not specified, Meta matches the signal to all items with the same ID, regardless of type.
contentsArray of objectsA list of JSON objects detailing the quantity and the International Article Number (EAN) or other identifiers. Required fields: id and quantity (e.g., [{'id': 'ABC123', 'quantity': 2}, {'id': 'XYZ789', 'quantity': 2}]).
currencyStringThe currency for the specified value.
num_itemsIntegerUsed with the InitiateCheckout signal. Represents the number of items when checkout was initiated.
predicted_ltvInteger, floatThe estimated lifetime value of a subscriber, as defined by the advertiser, represented as a precise value.
search_stringStringUsed with the Search signal. The string entered by the user for the search.
statusBooleanUsed with the CompleteRegistration signal to indicate the registration status.
valueInteger or floatThe business value of a user performing this signal.